If you need ideas, you can use an online pen name generator. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading the cuckoos calling cormoran strike book 1. Rowling continues to write the cormoran strike series under the name of robert galbraith to. Here are some other famous names you might recognize. A brief history of female authors with male pen names. The silkworm 2014, career of evil 2015 and lethal white 2018. A book with a female author who uses a male pseudonym. Also, author names should be entered first name last name so they will link to the appropriate author profile on. An alias, or pseudonym, is a fictitious name someone uses to cover up their true identity.
A pen name is a name an author uses in place of their real name when publishing. When horror maestro stephen king started attaining success he was eager to write more books. Using a male pen name often helped a female author get her foot in the door, past male publishers who didnt think the literary world was a place for women. A pen name is whats listed as the authors name on a published book, and readers often do not know the real name or identity of the author. The stories of the beloved female authors whove used male pen names to fool their critics.
When people purchase books, they only see the name of the author you enter, and the name of th. The authors real name is likely known to the publisher but not to the public. Ultimate popsugar reading challenge 2017 challenge. When theodor seuss geisel was a student at dartmouth college. Today considered among the greatest novelists of our time, literary sisters charlotte, emily and anne bronte like many.
In his early twenties, samuel langhorne clemens worked on steamboats in. Books to read for popsugar reading challenge 2017 are you taking the 2017 reading challenge. Why do romance authors write under multiple pseudonyms. Should you use a pseudonym, cool fake name generator.
A book by an author who uses a pseudonym tales of a. Many aliases or pseudonyms are used by writers who do not want their actual names published on a book. I am an author, and yes, i have a couple of stories which may be released under a pseudonym. Not to mention that the same name can be both female and. Rowling joanne rowling has published all of her books under a pseudonym. Rowling said writing in the guise of a retired military policeman and a male was a liberating experience and that she relished being published without hype or expectation. Over the weekend, word leaked out that harry potter author j.
Most publishing platforms make it easy for you to change your author name or to add a new author name to your publishing account. Because id rather read a book by a trixi winship rather than a jessica smith if ya know what i mean. A series of unfortunate events, a series of childrens books published between 1999 and 2006 and written by lemony. I havent read the rain wild books so ill use the first one of those for this. Ilona andrews would also work for this or for the multiple authors prompt its the name that a husband and wife duo uses. You should take your time when choosing a pseudonym and make sure it suits your genre.
King has penned more than 50 novels in his career, but that collection would be smaller if his early publishers had their way. Robb mysteries and read every single one, but remain picky about nora robertsauthored books. Click on the link to the real name to see all its pseudo names. Robin hobb is one of my very favourite authors and id completely forgotten she uses a pseudonym, so thank you, fannie. Actors and artists often use fictitious names, and writers sometimes choose to create under a different persona as well.
If you are known for writing hardcore science fiction and decide you want to write a bodiceripping. Be sure to properly spell and capitalize the name or the book will not link to the correct author profile and become harder to find in the goodreads database. The registration process makes it easy for an author to provide a pseudonym in conjunction with his or her legal nameand, of course, the certificate is all the official proof the courts might require of the authors connection to both pseudonym and intellectual property. She used a pseudonym to hide her identity so she would be taken seriously as a writer. The cuckoos calling is a 20 crime fiction novel by j. Julia quinn, a popular historical romance author, is the pen name of julie pottinger. Click on a letter in the index frame to go to that section of the aka list. A pen name may be used to make the authors name more distinctive, to disguise the authors gender, to distance the author from their other works, to protect the author from retribution for their writings, to combine more than one author into a single author. The idea that someone a year younger than me could have written a book seemed incredible.
Rowling is the real author of the cuckoos calling, a crime thriller published under the very british pseudonym robert galbraith. List of works published under a pseudonym wikipedia. The first author field is for entering the primary author of the book. How to publish a book on kdp under a pseudonym thats tied. Ultimate popsugar reading challenge 2018 challenge. Many writers use pen namesbut theres a right way and a wrong way to publish your book, stories, poems, or essays under a pseudonym. Often, collaborative authors will invent a pseudonym to convey the impression that a book was written by a single author. For example, the adventures of tom sawyer lists mark twain as its author. The cuckoos calling cormoran strike book 1 kindle edition by galbraith, robert. End this element with a period unless a period that is part of the authors name already appears at the end. Another reason to choose selfpublishing under an alternative name could be because the authors real name is too long. But rowling is hardly the first writer to use a pseudonym for one reason or another. This is a list of pen names used by notable authors of written work.
Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Rowling, published under the pseudonym robert galbraith. For todays authors, if you are writing under a pen name, its very easy to change your author name and create a new author brand. So if the book doesnt have a picture of the author, i wont have a clue about their gender when i cant even always tell which one is their first name. Helen sedwick, a writer for the book designer, cleared up all of my questions in her article should you be using a pen name. When it comes to citing an author, cite whatever name is used by the source, whether it be a real name or a pseudonym. How can you publish a book on kdp under a pseudonym thats tied to your actual real name amazon account and prevent everyone from seeing your real name. Girl before author jp delaney on pseudonyms and the limits of marie kondo. There are some big advantages to using a pseudonym, he wrote. The authors name is usually found near the title of a source always begin the entry with the authors last name, followed by a comma and the rest of the name, as presented in the work. Detective cormoran strike investigates a supermodels suicide. Citing pseudonyms can seem tricky at first, but it becomes much simpler when you take into account one of apa style s key mottos. Rowling, in her postharry potter years, wrote under the name robert galbraith.
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